Saturday, September 10, 2011

Meet a Farmer

How many of you know a farmer?  Can you put a face to a person that grows and produces food?  Do you know, or have you ever thought about, where your food comes from? (If you said this or this, you guessed wrong)  I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine who is one of those people that makes up less than 1% of the U.S. population. That's a percentage so small, that farmer is no longer listed as an occupation on the U.S. Census.  Farmers now help make up the inauspicious "other" category, and yet, farmers are being asked to feed, clothe, and help fuel a growing global society like never before.  Scarcely will a farmer meet a challenge he or she can't handle, and one such couple meeting that demand is Ben & Jennifer Moore from Dresden, TN.  Ben and I became friends when we were fraternity brothers together in college, and I met Jennifer, whom he was dating at the time, shortly thereafter. Recently named Tennessee's Young Farmer & Rancher winners for 2011, the Moore's will now proceed to the national competition (held in Hawaii this year--yes, they will somehow suffer through it) as representatives from TN for a chance to win a new Dodge truck, the use of a tractor for a year, and various other prizes.  I'm vey happy for them, and excited that they are representing Tennessee.  Check out the short video below to meet them and learn more about their operation.

Now, you can put a face to someone who helps feed and clothe you.

As always your comments and questions are welcomed and encouraged.  Thanks!

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